
This Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy (“Policy”) explains how we handle copyright infringement notifications on the callofdutypc.site website (“Website” or “Service”) and its related services (“Services”). It also guides you on how to file a copyright complaint.

Protection of Intellectual Property

We take intellectual property protection very seriously and expect the same from our users. We respond promptly to copyright infringement notifications that comply with the DMCA, which you can read on the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Before Filing a Copyright Complaint

If you are not sure whether the material you wish to report is infringing, you may wish to consult an attorney before filing a complaint. The DMCA requires you to provide personal information in your complaint.

How to File a Copyright Complaint

Suppose you are a copyright owner or an authorized agent, and you believe that content on our Services infringes your copyright. In that case, you may file a written complaint (“Notification”) using the contact details below. Your complaint must comply with the DMCA rules.

Filing a complaint begins the legal process. We will review your complaint for accuracy, validity, and completeness. We may remove or restrict access to the infringing material if it meets the requirements.

If we remove or restrict access to material or terminate an account because of a complaint, we will attempt to contact the affected user to notify them of the action.

Even if we follow this Policy, we reserve the right not to act on a DMCA complaint if it does not meet all DMCA requirements.

This Policy does not limit our ability to take other actions to address suspected infringement.

Changes to this Policy

We may change this Policy or its terms at any time. When we do, we will update the date at the bottom of this page. We may also notify you in other ways, such as through your contact information.

The updated Policy will become effective immediately after posting unless otherwise stated. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the changes become effective means you accept the changes.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

To report infringing content or activity, contact us:

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